Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Batgirl the Darkest Reflection (New 52)

Batgirl Vol.1 – The Darkest Reflection  (New 52 Series)
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Ardian Syaf, Vicente Cifuentes, + Covers by Adam Hughes

When we last left off… Barbara Gordon was playing her role as Oracle. At the time, Batman Inc. was just getting off the ground, and making its worldwide tour. With every person taking the helm of the Bat, and making it their mission to protect their home turf. For so long she was unable to walk, helmed to a wheelchair until some aid was found that would enable her to move again. That was then, this is now, months later with therapy and recuperating Batgirl is back in action.

Like all Bat tales, with rewards comes tests of strength. Turns out a new villain is causing a ruckus all around Gotham. From taking names to a list, those who survived events they should not have. Coming to terms with this mysterious fiend, tests every bit of power that Batgirl wields, as a hero and as a human being.

338 – An ongoing wave of violence takes over people’s minds, and its because of some number. And its up to Babs to save the day (with some help of course).

What I enjoy about Gail’s writing style is that it feels like a tale worth reading. Sure its got action, drama, and suspense, but It has feeling. May feel down, but it helps you get back up. I can’t think of many writers like her, even with her brief time writing Wonder Woman’s tales, it worked so well. Glad to see her taking the reins with Batgirl’s new adventures. Plus seeing Babs back in the suit is altogether awesome, and fun again. I actually missed seeing the character going about the city and doing what she does best, being Batgirl.

Even more diverse is the art, its gorgeous, fluid and always in motion. In some scenes its still but feels like anything can happen, even in quiet moments to kick back and breathe. Its rare that books like this give both the reader, and the story time to “stretch their legs”. Plus the reader also works together to figure out what the title for this chapter actually means. And that’s another thing to love about this series. 

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