Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gojira - The Past, Present, and Future to come

Back in the mid 50's the classic kaiju monster was a part of a respective movement in free thinking about the environment and its ongoing transformation. Since it was war time, chemical warfare, and worse an atom bomb including radiation poisoning became a huge threat to the world itself. Fearing on its last legs, a gigantic creature is summoned to set humans straight. Oddly enough, it hits highly populated lands who seem to be taking advantage of its adverse landscape and profit.

Being a supernatural creature, Gojira is both a protector and destroyer. Although its intentions are to wipe out the human race from causing harm to the planet. Throughout the years, it began to adapt to all sorts of ideas through different perspectives in storytelling.

Black and white -
Doing my homework on the series, there turns out to be a great divide. A separation between 3 types of generations in story tellers. Unlike many tales, it actually revolves around the time it is set within. More of a Silver, Classic and Heroic Age if you will.

With the Classic, the big G is more ferocious, angry at humanity, or the ongoing monster that wants to cause chaos. Which leads to some big drama overtones, included with the baddie that winds up in its face. It all comes down to the final battle where "one shall stand, and the other goes home". *Except rarely does any opposing foe get destroyed or wiped out* Within each movie it does chronicle the journey of a few reluctant humans who want to save the world, opposite of what others in their homeland wish to do instead.

For many years, both monster and human share common connections, pushing for more intricate tales. Sometimes the baddies were a part of another evil scheme, with both sides of creature and human uniting to take down the super villains. Within Godzilla's universe, everyone and everything is connected.

In the modern day tales various writers and directors tried to recon everything that was done in the past. In order to create a new storyline, starting from scratch re-introducing the big guy and friends to a new audience. The biggest fallout is that it was redone so many times, even fans began to get even more confused. It was also the time where the creature itself took a sidestep to more of the ongoing story.

There was a time when an American studio tried their own version of the series. Except it met lukewarm reviews from fans and critics alike. However the premise was a leap, with Zilla being able to reproduce without the need for a mate, and unleashing a horde of babies within NYC. The same version of the lost lizard reappears in Final Wars only to get a minor scene, and a reluctant bop. (with the original taking its namesake back)

The Great Journey with Akira Ifukube-
At first you might wonder, ("Wait who?") in face he was the composer of the many Gojira themes over the years. From that dreaded theme song, to the epic battle tracks. Also known as highly regarded composer of various songs that became a part of his culture and life. With movies, any time you saw a monster, or gigantic battle, it was done by this gentleman. **His background was also of being a next generation of priests, which carried into his work, with a flow of nature, energy and beliefs.

Final Wars - Past VS the Present:
First this the most action packed, and outrageous G film throughout. Second, it is awesome. Third, the battles are intense (monster) or (superhuman). I honestly can't put the words together about this one. It totally outdoes the films of the past, and kicks it into overdrive. Although I do know its Ryuhei Kitamura & his team to blame for the awesome content.

From the start fans can already tell its a rollercoaster ride. Set sometime in the future, dystopia has been saved thanks to the Earth Defense Force. But there is a downside, a band of superhumans bestowed with significant powers (thanks to the dna of monsters that G has fought for decades) Using this system, they have been able to make Earth safe for many years. However, an old villain returns, kidnapping monsters and causing all sorts of chaos.

X- (the superbeings):
Awhile back these beings were known for kidnapping humans and monsters. Giving an ultimatum of freedom vs slavery. Although we do fight the good fight, we don't always win in the end. They never give up, even after many defeats. This new generation of Xillians however is a different story. Twice as powerful, and even more nasty. Their new mission: take over Earth, and control all monsters (but they can't seem to snag the Big G ever).

EDF - Superhuman heroes
From a task force, to an armada these teams pull out all the stops in defending their home. But the most bizarre thing about them is that do not exist from the present, but the far flung future. Shaping the world, they protect humans from monsters and outside forces. But they may need to turn one of the biggest enemies that anyone has feared for decades.

Godzilla - modern?
Being in hibernation thanks to the EDF team many years ago. The big guy came to take in the process that humans are taking things in their own hands. But the biggest issue is can they protect themselves? In the past he and his friends were always called upon to protect the planet (and sometimes the universe). If the world was without a monster anti-hero could it survive?

The Godzilla Collection Series I&II-
In 2004, with the release of Final Wars, Toho re-released (directors cut of Gojira), and original cuts of many of the early 50's,60's, and 70's series. (ending at MechaGodzilla). It is altogether an awesome collection, mixing up the best of the series, and and showing that no matter the year, G is timeless.

Within the collection is an array of eight film, including bonus goodies (commentary) and mini documentaries. Including tributes to the series composer, directors, and factoids about the history about the "King of the Monsters". If you are a big super fan, you should not miss this in your collection.
Gojira - Criterion Edition

Godzilla (2014) A new beginning:
Returning to its roots, humanity is tackling more issues and thus it summons the biggest monster in existence. Is it here to save or destroy? Bringing together a diverse cast of talent, this new intro to the lizard that we all fell in love with takes centre stage once more. No longer a threat of minor proportions, this new version of Godzilla is going to tackle more themes, monsters, and humans. And might even answer a few questions about why we look up to the big guy.

Keep up with the bug guy on whats ahead!

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