Transformers Prime Season II picks up where S1 left off. Optimus losing his memory during the battle vs the Remastered Unicron (who was tied to the Earth's Core). Gave up his ability being a Prime to save the planet Earth and its inhabitants. In doing so changed the fate of both sides, dividing the team and forging new alliances. But what lurks underneath the Decepticons?
Season II answers many questions, and creates various scenarios that fans dare dream of.
A) What would Orion Pax do under the helm of being an archivist once more?
B) Could Starscream ever choose side?
C) Would the two sides ever work together?
It also wraps up many story arcs including Queen Arachnia's awakened armada of Insecticons. Including an exploration behind the leader of their kind, Hard Shell (and his ties to a certain Autobot). Plus the return of M.E.C.H. and the shift in their favor of "shifting the tide". Alliances are made and broken, but never like this. Season II takes on all chapters, and dares fans to miss any second of every episode.
*Btw Starscream has a wicked dance move.
Season 3 - Beast Hunters is due for release on 12/3/13 (both dvd and bluray)
Beast Hunters - Dawn of the Beast is available now!
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