Friday, May 24, 2013

Underwater, There are cookies, and Street Art Frenchman

Just in time for your Memorial day weekend, some films you might want to see!

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Directed by Wes Anderson

Ever dreamt of exploring the ocean blue? With Steve Zissou, an independent film maker / oceanology. Along with a brave crew, venture towards unexplored territory. Only to lose a faithful crew member to a strange Jaguar Shark; seeking new faces, with a journalist and a pilot (who may or may not be Zissou’s son).  Taking on challenges like: trust with his team, to fighting pirates, and finding out what his real mission truly is. The high seas will never be the same.

Starring an all star cast with a name like Bill Murray (Zissou), Owen Wilson (his son), Anjelica Houston (Zissou’s wife), Willem Dafoe (Klaus), and Jeff Goldblum (rival explorer Hennessy).

Salvation Boulevard
Directed by George Ratliff

What do you believe in? Take evangelical belief, mix with a slight bit of entrepreneur, shake, serve. Only one problem, can it really become the biggest religion ever? At what odds will a leader go to any limits for himself (and congregation?) Wouldn’t expect a comedy covering this type of tale, but it works on so many levels.

 The stand alone guy - Greg Kinnear plays the usual everyday guy / ex dead head. The fearless leader – played by Pierce Brosnan, wants to take his congregation to a new level, a full fledged dream built city. And the unbeliever – Ed Harris (a writer / thinker). Along with an ensemble cast, this tale unfolds in so many directions.  It Is so tough to define this film, its smart, witty, clever, and surprising on what goes on beyond the pulpit of a megachurch.

Exit Through the Gift Shop – A Banksy Film
CBS Films

From self expression comes art, from art comes the unexplored territory. Street Art cannot be defined by simple terms, its art in motion, yet its illegal to speak your mind. No matter where these artists leave behind their message, It will find its audience. Throughout this piece, it comes from the viewpoint of a man behind a camera (Thierry Guetta), on a journey to find his purpose in life. Following a set of artists, the tale unravels in directions of intrigue, suspense, action, and drama. (oh and some laughs)

Is it a film? Made up? Not sure, but it does explore the underworld of Graffiti Art. Past, present, and its uncharted future. Across the world, every artist has a tale to tell, and a faithful being bent on helping them express their dreams. (except one problem, the guy has a wife and family!?) 

For anyone who has ever glimpsed upon street art, and wondered (“Where di d that come from?”) This is the film that explains it all, and then more tales of what goes behind the scenes. **Or for a fun alternative, gamers that enjoyed Jet Set Radio, where predominantly its message was using street art as self expression, much as the same way the artists in this doc also do so.

This is a film for anyone to watch, and learn something refreshing about what makes art. And find out something about human nature, that can’t always be expressed through words alone

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