Sunday, September 22, 2013

Doctor Who - The Snowmen

|Christmas - 1892

Snow, it falls from the heavens, until one fateful day it chose a human to be its herald. But with a Doctor seeking asylum with the loss of trusted companions, can he be redeemed. That is the question various allies seek to answer, working in the shadows protecting humanity from unknown forces. Let alone a familiar face returns, changing everyone's belief of what it means to be a friend.

"The Snowmen" as a Xmas special holds its own bringing the viewer up to speed. Taking place sometime after the Pond's departure, with the Doctor rethinking his adventures: and putting others fates in his hands. Destiny seems to beckon his call, with Clara showing up in the distant past (and much later in the present).
**Note this is a zero episode, but it still has a "cause and effect" within Series 7 part II**

Overall, a must watch for new fans, and returning viewers. This special along with others will be part of the upcoming "Specials" collection for Doctor #11 very soon.

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