Friday, October 18, 2013

ASM - Dying Wish

Writer: Dan Slott
Art by: Ramos & Elson (featuring other webheads)

There was a time in Amazing Spider Man when it was:
A) about a hero doing good deeds
B) the villain was a bad guy for a reason
C) Peter Parker

In this collection of issues, it is the last tale of Amazing Spider-Man as anyone will know for awhile. But this chapter explains why, and how, with regard to who the two sides remain equal. No matter what obstacles, or menace, enemy or ally. It all had to end somewhere, it began, and it must wrap up. But at what cost?

Since One More Day, and Big Time, Peter's life was in full swing. And then some old villains returned, summoning a "Grim Hunt" where every enemy he faced gained strength from supernatural consequences. No longer able to fight alone, there was a chance to work with his allies (Avengers / X-men) and a few old enemies turned good friends. Spider Island shifted directions when Peter's worst nightmare came true. What if everyone became a spider?

With "Dying Wish" it shapes the way the series would forever changes gears. Some were for it, others were against. I know I may be a bit behind in reading new stuff, but catching up still has an impact. There are moments in Spidey history that made us laugh, speechless, shocked, and we couldn't forget. "Dying Wish" is the last chapter to carry to the "Amazing" part of the series title. It is a chapter worth reading, indulging, and read over to make sure you missed nothing in the past few 700 issues in the series history.

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