Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Doctor Who Series 7 Part II Review

Recovering after losing the Ponds at the end of their journey. The Doctor passes through an early Victorian, London to encounter "The Great Intelligence" who is now in the form of Dr.Simian's body (or existence). Time, and time again the Doctor encounters "The Impossible Girl" someone he lost during an encounter with Dalek's that used humans as vessels. Only to find out she is very much alive in the same time stream that Amy and Rory lived within.

Putting all of his clues together, the Doctor finds out his journeys are at an end with this companion. Unable to determine how she came to be, she becomes his reason for exploring every timeline possible to find out who she truly is. But that doesn't explain how Clara is able to cross time streams, sometimes she remembers who the Doctor is, or doesn't. It becomes a intertwined game of "Cat and Mouse" with the Doctor finding out that this mystery is just as vast as his own lifeline.

With clever writing, and unique storylines Series 7 Part II continues an extraordinary tale that is worthwhile viewing. What makes it unique is that part I&II are told in a backwards / forward type of writing. Meaning the beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. Including the answer to one of the greatest mysteries "The Name of the Doctor". Every episode in this two disc set has a unique flow, every episode is unique and must be viewed to figure out how things have come to pass. And the Doctor is never alone, he always has his friends.

What's to come? Later this year, Matt Smith and David Tennant (no.10) band together in a huge adventure!
Better yet, this zero episode also celebrates 50 years of the series. 11/11/13

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