Monday, June 24, 2013

Under the Dome

Presented by Amblin Ent.
Producer - Brian K Vaughn & Stephen King

Welcome the Chester Hills, a busy town, filled with a community of kind folk. Until something earth shattering occurs, changing them forever and it isn't made by humans. A supernatural event creates a dome covering the entire town, no way in or out. The story so far follows a wandering fellow with, a some dark history. A news reporter who has a knack for being in the know of what's going on. A sheriff and deputy who are keeping an eye on things, along with a fire dept. who is trapped on the other side. And a mayor who is not telling the townsfolk the honest truth of what's going on.

Based on a Stephen King novel, it unravels a bizarre mystery that has many connections to the people that live within it. Who can be trusted? Who is on the other side?

Keep up with the new series @

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