Thursday, August 15, 2013

Uncanny X-men - Revolution

Uncanny X-men (After AVX)
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Chris Bachalo, and Frazer Irving

As a classic BT track called "The Revolution" kicks in "it will be televised, this is not fake!" The same holds true for a new chapter in the X-men ongoing saga. After the fall of the Phoenix in the Avengers vs Xmen mini-series. The rewards of battle have remade the mutants in a whole new way.

**Okay I might have to explain the reboot... see awhile back Scarlet Witch wiped out everyone's memories with her own imagined world thanks to her father (Magneto). With a dream world where Utopia was the planet, and normal begins were secluded by the mutant race that lived in unity with them protecting their freedoms across the stars. But as the truth becomes undone, the damage has taken hold and the mutant race is wiped off the face of the earth.

**Endangered Species - The mutant race may have gained a second chance, or lost it all. With the rebirth of new powers emerging from unknown entities. They come to be a part of the collected X family, and some take up arms against their efforts.

**Beyond space and time = (wait we're not pulling a Doctor Who here!)
With the fabric of reality slowing mending, and the Marvel Universe finally repairing itself the X family finds themselves at odds with another team, the Avengers. Let it be told that the two sides have never agreed with another. But now Scott and his family might not win this one.

So now onto this new chapter with "Revolution". Like the title, Scott and crew have been liberating new mutants to seek the truth and training to find out about their hidden abilities. The sad truth is hidden that they may have lost their old powers, but gained new ones. However their powers unite, it unleashes their real tendencies that have been long hidden since past events.

**okay and Bendis did bend the space time continuum, can't say how but you have to read this book! "Stars and garters" its that good! Oh but it involves Magik (Illyanna) and her powers in some manner.

I honestly wonder how far this new revamped series may go. First the art is great, Bachalo has really matured (way back with Xmen 200, it was more manga-fied than anything) now its gained some solid ground. Plus each character retains their personality, and we even explore territory with the new crew. About the space time thing.. wait till you see what timeline...

Irving illustrates the last piece in this 5 part introduction. With Magik's powers breaking down, tossing her from a place many dare not go. (and its somewhere Peter Parker has been!) **so does that tie into something else? I have often wondered how far that deal went before CW, but it is without a doubt an after effect with every choice anyone has made.

So buy it or shelve it? Buy! (**plus there is the digital extras hidden throughout the book, so for you smartphone users out there, it is a nice extra) And a digital version offer too.

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